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An Oscar-Winner Reframes Death To See The Beauty of Life

2017 ⸱ 

David Seidler & Clara Hendon


Screenwriter David Seidler is best known for his Oscar-winning script, The King’s Speech, but what he hopes to be remembered for is helping to reframe the conversation about death and dying. David talks about his personal journey to film cultural pioneers talking about their perspective on mortality and how the shadow of death can enable us to more vividly see the beauty of life.

About the speaker(s)

As a writer, David Seidler knows the effects of disruption. Sent to the US from his native London during WWII, he developed a stammer but found a role model in George VI. Many years later, he chose the speech-challenged monarch as the inspiration for his film, The King’s Speech, which garnered Best Picture and Best Screenplay Academy Awards in 2010. His current exploration of compassion is The Death Project, a documentary series he hopes will help demystify the end of life in a death phobic society.

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