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Do patients talk to deceased loved ones before death? | Hadley Vlahos

2023 ⸱ 

Hadley Vlahos, RN


Hadley Vlahos, a hospice nurse, recounts patients seeing and talking to deceased loved ones and how it shaped they way she views death and the afterlife.

About the speaker(s)

Hadley Vlahos, RN is a registered nurse with over eight years of experience, including six years in hospice care. She is the New York Times bestselling author of The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life’s Final Moments. Hadley’s passion for healthcare and storytelling has garnered a vast online following, where she is affectionately known as “Nurse Hadley.” Currently, she is working on opening a family-centered, nonprofit hospice house. She hopes to provide a place of respite where patients and their loved ones can have meaningful gatherings, celebrating a life well-lived.

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