Ending well
is a human issue

End Well is a nonprofit on a mission to transform how the world thinks about, talks about, and plans for the end of life.

Ending well
is a human issue

End Well is a nonprofit on a mission to transform how the world thinks about, talks about, and plans for the end of life.

Ending well
is a human issue

“Improving the end of life experience isn’t just a medical issue — it’s a cultural issue.” Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider, Founder of End Well

End Well is a nonprofit on a mission to transform how the world thinks about, talks about, and plans for the end of life.

Where To Start

We’re here for you. Whether you’re a patient, grieving, caregiving, work in healthcare, or are just curious about the topic, everyone’s experience is unique. Get started with the guide that speaks most to where you are right now.

Make end of life, part of life

In a 2019 study, 55% of families felt their loved one had a “bad death.” By igniting a movement to spark conversations and ask the right questions, we create opportunities for the things people most want – including spending time with those they love, dignity, and the autonomy to make their own decisions.

By donating today, you support the critical work we do to change the culture around the end of life.

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