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The Tension Between Caring For Another And Caring For Oneself

Aisha Adkins, MPA, CNP


Family caregiver, Aisha Adkins, shares the complexities of caring for her mother while pursuing her own dreams and ambitions.Aisha provides a persuasive argument that our collective future as a global community depends on getting things right for younger generations caught between caring for others and taking care of themselves.

About the speaker(s)

Aisha Adkins is an advocate, storyteller and caregiver. In addition to being a full-time caregiver for her mother, who lives with dementia, Aisha is in her last semester of graduate school at the Georgia State University Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. Aisha is the founder of Our Turn 2 Care, a platform connecting marginalized millennial family caregivers to information, resources and each other.

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