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A Caregiving Advocate Learns About Recieving Care

2018 ⸱ 

Alexandra Drane


“What prevents us from asking for help when we are at our most vulnerable?” wonders healthcare entrepreneur and activist Alexandra Drane. Deeply motivated to explore this question, Alexandra has founded a series of innovative platforms to humanize and help make normal the complicated personal and cultural challenges of giving and getting care.

About the speaker(s)

Alexandra Drane is the Co-Founder of ARCHANGELS, Eliza Corporation, Engage with Grace, and three other companies. A serial entrepreneur, she also works part time as a cashier at Walmart. She sits on the Board of Advisors of TEDMED and Harvard Executive Sleep Council. She is a Governor-appointed member of the Executive Committee for the Board of Directors for Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, a member of the Board of Directors of the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC), and part of the Health Executive

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