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Rural Palliative Care

Michael Fratkin, MD


Palliative care physician Michael Fratkin was one of the first to understand and implement telehealth to serve his rural patients in order to reach and treat the whole person wherever they reside. His experience building a remote practice and familiarity with California’s trailblazing home-based palliative care reimbursement model offers tremendous hope that care can reach even the most disenfrancished Americans.

About the speaker(s)

Michael Fratkin, is a physician, innovator and a dreamer who approaches life and the practice of medicine with love and respect. Standing on a foundation of inspiration and burnout, Michael created ResolutionCare Network to build capacity for capable and compassionate palliative care in the rural Northern California community he calls home. Michael has been a transformative and provocative voice for improving the experience of people and families facing the completion of their lives while ensuring that the meaningful professional experiences of those providing care are of equal importance. 

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