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Taking Control Of Your Health Records

Anil Sethi


What if, in the course of taking charge of our own health records, we could also contribute to the greater good? Entrepreneur Anil Sethi’s personal experience has led him to believe that consumer-focused technologies have game-changing implications for patient access, care and transparency.

About the speaker(s)

A serial health care entrepreneur, Anil Sethi has recently founded his sixth consumer-health venture, Ciitizen, with a single-minded aim to help kill cancer in our lifetime. Prior to this venture, his consumer health startup Gliimpse, which helped patients collect, organize and share their health records, was acquired in 2016 by Apple where he was named Director of Apple Health. He also served as CEO of Xlipstream, a health care hardware company, and was the founder of Sequoia, guiding it through its IPO and sale to Citrix for its patient-portal business. His first startup, Dakota Imaging, a health care claims processing business, was acquired by WebMD in 2004.

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