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Why Meghan McCain Wants To Destigmatize Grieving

2019 ⸱ 

Meghan McCain & Lucy Kalanithi, MD


When her father Senator John McCain died, The View co-host and columnist Meghan McCain plunged into tremendous loss and grief. Through this experience, Meghan now fights to challenge taboos and destigmatize conversations about grief and death. She talks with physician and advocate Lucy Kalanithi, MD.

About the speaker(s)

Meghan McCain is a columnist, New York Times best-selling author and co-host of The View. She is the daughter of 2008 presidential candidate and U.S. Senator John McCain. Meghan first received media attention of her own accord in 2007 for her blog, McCain Blogette, where she documented life on the campaign trail as it interacted with fashion, music, and pop culture. In 2009 she became a contributing writer for The Daily Beast, and in 2011, began appearing as a contributor on MSNBC. Meghan graduated from Columbia University with a degree in Art History. 

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