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How Psychedelics Can Offer Transcendence At End Of Life

2017 ⸱ 

Anthony P. Bossis, PhD


Existential despair, anxiety and depression are all too common at the end of life. Psychologist Anthony Bossis conducts FDA-approved research to understand how, through a single psilocybin-induced therapeutic experience, these symptoms might be alleviated or even transformed – into acceptance, enhanced wellbeing and personal meaning.

About the speaker(s)

Anthony P. Bossis, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine conducting FDA approved psychedelic research investigating the therapeutic efficacy of psilocybin on existential and psycho-spiritual distress at the end of life. He is a co-founder of Palliative Care Service at Bellevue Hospital and on the advisory committee and faculty for the Art of Dying Institute in New York City where he maintains a private psychotherapy practice.

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