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Living While Dying, A Contingency Plan

2019 ⸱ 

Adam Hayden


Patient advocate and philosopher Adam Hayden has survived with glioblastoma far longer than most. Adam shares what he’s learned living in the uncharted territory between prognosis and practice and the challenges of navigating the promise of individualized medicine within a one-size fits all healthcare system.

About the speaker(s)

Adam Hayden is a philosopher, writer, advocate, and organizer for the brain tumor community. Diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2016, Adam has published on medical education, cancer survivorship and the philosophy of illness, in both popular and academic press. Adam completed requirements for his graduate degree in philosophy while in active cancer treatment, and he was recently awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award by his university. As a champion for early intervention of the palliative care service, Adam offers a unique perspective on the end of life, as a young dad and husband. 

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