Bringing End Of Life Planning To Underserved Communities

Randi Belisomo


As Randi Belisomo knows, the spotlight on Chicago’s reputation for violent death often overshadows the day-to-day realities of its most vulnerable aging residents. By working across a network of civic, religious, health and community groups, she and her partners are bringing culturally competent, community-based advanced care planning to Chicago’s South Side Chatham neighborhood.

About the speaker(s)

Randi Belisomo is President and Co-Founder of Life Matters Media, a Chicago based non-profit dedicated to providing information, resources and support for end of life decision making. Committed to fostering better communication, the organization empowers the aged, caregivers, surrogates and medical providers to navigate this life phase with confidence and dignity. Randi also writes about issues related to end of life health care and policy for Reuters Health.

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