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Orchestrating A Good Death

2018 ⸱ 

Jessica Hanson, RN


In the aftermath of holding her child as he died, Jessica Hanson, an ER and trauma nurse, was driven to empower others on the frontline of healthcare with the skills to invite loved ones into the end of life experience. Jessica shares how the quality of her final moments with her son gave her insight into how orchestrating a good death experience can have a profound and lasting impact on all involved.

About the speaker(s)

Jessica Hanson, RN is a mother, nurse, and educator based in Flagstaff, Arizona. The loss of her two-year-old son unveiled our societal shortcomings surrounding the death experience. Now Jessica recognizes that death, even a sudden and traumatic one, can be beautiful. Guided by her remarkable journey of healing, she created a nonprofit, Project660, to teach her Orchestration of Death curriculum to community members and survivors across the country as a way to transform the way we view and “do” death. 

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