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How Bias In Healthcare Nearly Killed Me

Bridgette Hempstead


Certain she had breast cancer but dismissed by her physician, activist Bridgette Hempstead was forced to fight to get the testing she needed. In the aftermath of her treatment, she founded a community organization to enable other women of color to gain access to health education and quality care and to overcome the cultural biases and stigmas that negatively impact health outcomes for minority populations.

About the speaker(s)

Bridgette Hempstead is the Founder and CEO of Cierra Sisters, an African-American breast cancer organization that uniquely provides support, education and advocacy for women’s breast and health issues. Bridgette’s personal narrative and hands-on approach have educated and empowered a community of women whose health had previously suffered under the influence of cultural stereotype and racial bias. In the spirit of the activism that drives Cierra Sisters and the self-empowerment perspective it provides, Bridgette’s work also includes the development of an evidence-based breast health curriculum for community members to share. 

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