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Reframing Health Narratives For BIPOC Communities

2020 ⸱ 

Abigail Echo-Hawk, MA, and Camille Burnett, PhD


Abigail Echo Hawk, chief research officer of the Seattle Indian Health Board, and health researcher and nurse Camille Burnett, illuminate how data and disinformation are used to blame BIPOC communities for poor health outcomes. Instead, Abigial and Camille’s work reveals the enduring capacity of these communities for resilience and survival and how focusing on these postiive narratives can bring enduring health and healing.

About the speaker(s)

Camille Burnett, PhD, MPA, PHNA-BC, RN, BSN, DSW is an associate professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Kentucky. She is a leading voice on how informed policy and perception can better drive structural justice and create health equitable solutions among disparate populations.

Abigail Echo-Hawk, MA, an enrolled member of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma, is[TE30]the chief research officer of the Seattle Indian Health Board and the director of the Urban Indian Health Institute where she works to support the health and well-being of urban Indian communities nationwide.

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